Configure iQuote To Use Part-Inventories

Refer to the following topics for information on how to set up your iQuote system so you can create and share part-inventories.


Enable Access Controls

Note: Your system administrator must do all the following to enable the necessary permissions on your user profile before you can create and share part-inventories in iQuote.

  1. Navigate to Administration > User > User Profiles.

The User Profile List screen opens.

  1. Create a new or select an existing user profile record to which you want to enable access controls.

The User Profile screen opens.

  1. On the Permissions tab of the User Profile screen, enable the following access controls in the Permissions area:
  • Inventory Record:
    ‎EPS > Sales > Records > iQuote > Inventory > Inventory Item
  • Sub Job Creation:
    ‎EPS > Plan > Planner > Job > Allow Sub Job Creation
  1. Click Save to save your changes.

The User Profile screen closes, and iQuote saves your changes.

Configure Job General Settings

Do all the following to configure Partial inventory items on the Job General Settings screen:

  1. Navigate to Planning > Records > Planner > Job General Settings. The Job General Settings screen opens.
  2. On the Job General Settings screen, in the Part-Inventory area, define the available setups as best applicable in your scenario.

Require Specific Rules To Share Part-Inventory Between Customers: if deselected, iQuote retains part-inventories in the new job, even you select a different Customer record for the job.

Populate customer code with the component description: if selected, the system will automatically use the component description to create the customer code. The system looks for the last engineering process of the component and add to it the customer code; the other items will have this field blank.

Allow to define Part-Inventory for the final Products: when enabled, you can change an item from being a Finished Product to being a Part-Inventory item type, so that you can run the workflow from the Monarch system integration more seamlessly. 

Whenever you need to transform the item into a part-inventory, navigate to Planning > Planner > Job > select a job record > Sub Job Manager, select the item that is a final product, and click Part-Inventory Creation. The Part-Inventory Creation window opens, where you must select the item(s) that you want to change the type. Click Confirm the Part-Inventory Creation button.

Create Engineering Material when importing a Part-Inventory from the ERP: when enabled, the system automatically creates the Engineering Raw Material related to the Part-Inventory Item, when you create the Item from the ERP. That is, whenever the message that you import has the itemAccountingType parameter as “ProductionPart”, or another one that means that the item is a part-inventory, the system creates the Raw Material.

When you enable this option, you must also select the Engineering Component Type that the system will relate the Raw Material to when it creates the new material record.

Allow to link Part Inventory Item at Component level in the Product Specification: when enabled and you have a 3rd-party integration, the system allows you to link inventory items to components in Estimates and Job, instead of just to the final products. For that, you can use the Inventory Item column in the Versioning window (if the component has versions) or the Inventory Item field in the Product Specification.

Note: The system displays this option only if you select "3rd Party" in the MIS Integration field, in the General Settings page.

  1. Click Save to save your changes. The screen closes, and iQuote saves your changes.