Share Part-Inventories

Do all the following to define which customers can share Partial inventory items:

  1. Navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Inventory > Inventory Item. The Inventory Item List screen opens.

Graphical user interface, table
Description automatically generated

  1. On the Inventory Item List screen, click More Actions, then select Share Part-Inventory. The Share Part-Inventory screen opens.

Imagem 5

  1. On the Share Part-Inventory screen, do one of the following:
  • To select a new Customer record from which you want to sharing part-inventories, click the New button in the left pane.

A new highlighted line opens in the left pane of the Share Part-Inventory screen.

  • To modify the share part-inventory settings for a Customer record already listed in the left pane, select the desired record from the list.

iQuote highlights the selected record and populates the fields in the right pane with the current settings.

Tip: Click the Search button in the Customer field at the top of the right pane to locate and select the desired Customer record from the Advanced Searching (Customer) List screen.

  1. On the Share Part-Inventory screen, in the Select Other Customer(s) To Share The Part-Inventories Belonging To Customer Above area, do one of the following:
  • To add a Customer record to share the part-inventories of the parent Customer listed in the Customer field, click the New button, then click the Search magnifying glass to locate and select the desired record from the Advanced Searching (Customer) List screen.

iQuote adds the Customer record to the Select Other Customer(s) To Share The Part-Inventories Belonging To Customer Above area.

  • To change one of the customers listed, select the desired Customer record, then click the Search magnifying glass to locate and select a new record from the Advanced Searching (Customer) List screen.

iQuote replaces the previous Customer record with the record you selected.

  • To remove one of the customers from the list, select the Customer record you want to remove, then click Delete.

iQuote removes the Customer record from the Select Other Customer(s) To Share The Part-Inventories Belonging To Customer Above area.

  1. Repeat step 4 as many times as needed.
  2. Repeat steps 2-5, as needed, to set up all possible Customer shared part-inventories relationships.
  3. Click Save to save your changes.


Shared Part-Inventories System Logic

After you define shared part-inventories among customers, the system applies the following logic when you create a new job by copying an old one (either directly, or from an estimate created by copying a job):

  • Scenario 1: Same customer

    If the customer is the same in both the old and the new jobs, the system retains all the part-inventories.
  • Scenario 2: Different customer, but “Require Specific Rules To Share Part-Inventory Between Customers” not selected

    If you deselect the Require Specific Rules To Share Part-Inventory Between Customers check box on the Job General Settings screen, iQuote retains part-inventories in the new job, even you select a different Customer record for the job.
  • Scenario 3: Different customer, but “Require Specific Rules To Share Part-Inventory Between Customers” selected

    If the Customer record associated with the new job includes permission to share part-inventories with the Customer from the original job, the system retains the part inventories. However, if the Customer record on the new job does not include permissions to share part-inventories with the Customer from the original job, iQuote removes all part inventories from the new job.