Setting Up The Invoice

In iQuote Sales Order, you can keep track of the prices charged for the products that you produced and detail it to your customers by creating an Invoice. The system is also able to share this information with other software that you might have, so that you can proceed with the invoicing workflow somewhere else.

To use the Invoice integration, you must:

Have already have set up a Price Detail Style and activated it, since the system uses its data to generate invoices. For more information about the Price detail, see Using Price Detail Style.

Have an active integration between iQuote and the MIS program that you want to integrate the invoice information with before starting.

Link iQuote's Invoice Type record to the MIS program. This mapping is what matches a record from iQuote with a record from the other program, so that the program can understand the information that it receives from iQuote.

Note: From this point forward, consider that Monarch is the MIS program that we are integrating with.


Mapping The Invoice Type With Ship Class

The Invoice Type is a way to categorize the invoices that you generate in iQuote, dividing them in groups such as "sales" or "data processing", for example. The invoice integration works by linking the Invoice Type from iQuote to the Shipping Class from Monarch so that every time that you use a certain Invoice Type, Monarch relates it with the selected Shipping Class.

To do the mapping, follow the steps below.

From iQuote desktop, navigate to Sales> Records > iQuote > Integration > Invoice Type. The Invoice Type list opens.

Select a record and click the Edit button or create a new one. The record page opens.

On the record page, make sure that the Active check box is selected.

On the table, select a Shipping Class option in the MIS Shipping Class column for each of the plants that you have in iQuote. You can leave the related field blank for the plants that you do not want to integrate.

Note: The available MIS Shipping Class options are from Monarch.

Click on Confirm

Once you select an option, iQuote will use that Shipping Class every time that an Estimate from the related plant uses the selected Invoice Type. In the example from the image above, all the Estimates with the Sales Invoice Type from the CLT plant will have the Final product (no-bill freight) Shipping Class.


Making the Invoice Type Available

For the system to know when to use a specific Invoice Type in an Estimate and how to add a product in the invoice, you must first configure it. 

From iQuote desktop, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Price Detail Style. The Price Detail Style list opens.

Select a record and click the Edit button. The record page opens.

On the Items tab, select a line. Then, choose an option in the Invoice Type field.

Note: You can leave the Invoice Type field blank if you do not want the system to generate the invoice line.

Click Save.

By defining an Invoice Type for the Price Detail item (i.e., line), the system is capable of connecting the Price Detail lines with the Sales Order. In other words, you are telling the system that this item is enabled to be sent to the invoice.

Note: In the Proposal Description tab, there is a check box called "Apply proposal description in the invoice line". If you select it, the system will use the same description that you used in this line to identify it on the invoice.