Smart Object

Smart objects are sets of questions pre-defined by default in the system that can be added to the topic record and printed to the Job's and Estimate's ticket, to facilitate their workflow.

iQuote provides the four different smart objects – each with specific behaviors designed. Each smart object has its own configurations, but all of them need to be linked to a topic in order to be used.

Note: It’s possible to create a topic using only the smart object, but users can add any other fields they find useful in the same topic.


External Contact


When creating a topic, select the "external contact" option in the Smart object field.

Note: The external contact smart object can be used with any topic class, but it has been designed to work as a header class topic.



The external contact object loads the main contact information in the Smart Notes window, in the Job and Estimate:

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In the grid, below the main contact, users can add any of the other contacts available in the customer’s record.


File Reference


When creating a topic, select the "File Reference" option in the Smart Object field. There are a few other configurations that you can do through the File Reference Configuration and File Reference record screens, which you can access by navigating to Sales > Record > iQuote > Product Specification > Smart Object > File Reference browser.

See below a few relevant notes to use this smart object:

You can define which fields the system should display in the File Reference smart notes topic by going to File Reference > File Reference Configuration > Fields to Show. Select the check boxes related to the fields that you want to see in the topic. By default, they are all selected.

You can choose to show or hide the New File Reference button in the Smart Note Topic, by selecting or deselecting the “Allow the user to include a “New File Reference” in the Smart Notes grid” option in the File Reference ConfigurationIf disabled, it is only possible to add a file reference from the File Reference browser.

The Actual Count field is read-only in the Smart Notes topic. You must edit the Actual Count through the Actual count in the file field in the File Reference record screen.

The Validation Options field, in the File Reference Configuration screen, allows you to turn on validations for the File Reference object, when using the Smart Notes. For that, select the "No link the File Reference more than once to versions" option. Once you change this configuration, the system performs the validations below. 

Note: If the validation fails, the system shows a warning explaining the reason and does not integrate the Job.

It is not possible to add a File Reference line linked to a file while another line only has a placeholder. All the lines must have or do not have a link to a file, even if they are related to different versions.

It is not possible to use the same File Name in two or more lines when creating placeholders, even if they are related to different versions or to different Jobs.

It is not possible to link the same file to two different versions on the same Job or in any other Job.

Each product version needs to have at least one line with a placeholder File Name or a linked file reference.



With the File Reference smart object, you can link files to the Smart Notes so that you can store important documents and make them easily accessible through the Estimate or Job.

When you create a new line in the File Reference table, you can edit most of the fields (except the Status, Qty Variance, and Received Date) so that you can add information later (e.g., when you receive it from your client).

It is also possible for you to use the Add File Link and Link File Reference buttons to attach a file previously saved in a File Reference object record. In this scenario, the system automatically fills in the information from the record into the blank fields in the line.

Note: The system does not overwrite the fields already filled with the information from the File Reference record, when you attach the file after creating the line in the Smart Notes.


Internal contact

When creating a topic, select the "internal contact" option in the Smart object field.

Note: The internal contact smart object can be used with any topic class, but it has been designed to work as a header class topic.



The internal contact object leads the information respective to the CSR, estimator and salesperson in the Smart Notes window, in the job:

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In the grid, below the internal contacts, users can search by the user role and add other internal contacts available.

When an internal contact is added, iQuote automatically populates the fields in the grid with the data from the user role record, such user name, email, plant etc.

Under comments, users can also add notes to each added contact.


Payment type


When creating a topic, select the "payment type" option in the Smart object field.

Note: The payment type smart object can be used with any topic class, but it has been designed to work as a product version class topic.

The payment type object also uses data from other records in the system:


CRID (Customer record)

In the specific customer record, go to the CRID tab and click New to record a new Customer Registration ID.

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The CRID number is registered with the postal service provider.


Permit (Customer record)

Permits work in a similar way to bank accounts: customers can set up a permit with the postal service provider and configure the costs related to posting mailing items to be charged from this permit.

In the specific customer record, go to the Permit tab and click New and fill in the data for the respective postal permit.

Permits marked as “primary” are automatically selected in the job, but can be manually altered if necessary. Notice only one permit can be set as primary.


Price incentive

Price incentives can be applied to mailing jobs. For recording a price incentive go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product specification > Smart Objects > Price Incent and click New.

Enter the appropriate description and validity period. Any text entered in the tool tip field is displayed in the smart notes window.

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The Payment type smart object allows users to define the payment values specific for each final product version. The information can be printed to the job ticket and sent to Monarch, in case of integration.

Some important points about this object:

In payment type field (A) users can choose between permit, meter or stamp.

The permit type field allows to select between the customer’s or the company’s permit (B);

When the permit and CRID number are selected, iQuote verifies the job's due dates against the permit’s expire date. If they are inconsistent, the system shows an alert (C);

Users can include additional permits, directly in the smart notes if necessary (D).

When the parameter “mailing anywhere” is enabled, a new set of fields are displayed (E).


Postal information


When creating a topic, select the "postal information" option in the Smart object field.

Note: The postal information smart object can be used with any topic class, but it has been designed to work as a product version class topic.

The payment type object also uses data from other records in the system:


Postal Provider

In the Postal Provider record, users can configure the necessary specifications for calculating the postal costs. Later, in the job’s smart notes, iQuote compares the mail specification entered with the definitions set in this record. For more about this, refer to Use.

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From iQuote’s desktop go to Sales > Record > iQuote > Product specification > Smart object > Postal Provider.

Click New or edit an existing entry.

Note: iQuote provides some categories by default.

Use the UK Postage Product Types field to choose how the Postal Provider will post the products. It has these options: RM, DSA, International, and Others.

Select the UK Postage ZAP field to define that the Postal Provider will use the ZAP service.

Under Pack Format click new to add a new entry and be able to define a new package format that this Postal Provider offers. If you do not add any pack, the system does not display the Package Format in the Smart Notes.

Under Postal Format, click New. For each new category type, enter the minimum and maximum values for each specification in the grid and select which category types belong to each class. If you do not add any format, the system does not display the Postal Format in the Smart Notes.

Under Class click New to create a category class. If you do not add any class in the Class grid, the system does not display the Postal Class in the Smart Notes.

Under Rate type click new to add a new entry.

Under Discount level click new to add a new entry.

Note: The rate type e discount level are for information only and do not affect any calculations.

Under Mailing House ID click new to add a new entry and define each Plant's House ID related to this Provider so that the postage costs can be grouped.

Click Save.


Box (tray type)

In the job’s smart notes, the postal information object has a look up field for selecting the tray type. The options available for populating this field are the records saved in Sales > Record > iQuote > Engineering > Raw material > Box (packaging).

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With the postal information smart object, users can specify the information used for calculating the posting and delivery costs for each final product version individually. These values are printed in the job ticket, and can then be sent to Monarch in case of an integration.

Some important points about this object:

Under Mail Specification, iQuote uses the data entered in the fields on the right (A) to calculate the values in the left column (B).

This information also defines the available options in the mail category drop-down menu (C), under Postal information. iQuote cross matches the mail specification (A) with the ranges set up in the mail category record.

The options available for selection in the mail class drop-down menu (D) also depend on the values entered up in the mail specification (A) and the configuration made in the mail category record.


UK Postage

When creating a topic, select the "external contact" option in the Smart object field.



The use of the UK Postage is very similar to the Postal Information and it is created by using the Postal Provider smart object. You must just add the UK Postage information, as explained in the Postal Provider topic.