
Smart Notes templates facilitate the use and management of multiple Smart Notes structures by having several types of topics, organized into different topic group structures pre-saved and ready for use in the Job and Estimate.

From iQuote’s desktop go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Smart Notes template or enter “Smart Notes template” in the quick search field.

Click New.

Enter the appropriate description.

Optionally, select another template as a base for the new one on the field Based on template.

Note: In this case, the new one is aggregated to the base one. If the base template is selected in the job, the topics on both templates are loaded.

The Active parameter is selected by default, but can be unselected if necessary.

If necessary, check the Standard parameter for defining this template as the standard one.

Note: Only one template can be set as “standard”.

It’s not mandatory to have a standard template, but when there is one, the system automatically applies it to the smart notes in each new job.

For scenarios with no template defined as standard, the user can choose the appropriate template during job creation

Click New.

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Click the search icon to look for the appropriate topic to add.

Once the topic is selected, the respective fields are displayed under Default answer. Populate the fields as needed to set pre-defined default answers.

Note: Even with a default answer, the fields are still editable in the job, depending only on the user's access permission.

Under Customer exception, use filters to define specific conditions for the use of default answers. Check the example below.

Note: Customer exceptions are ideal for dealing with small variations and users can add as many exceptions as needed.

But in cases where several exceptions are in this and other topics for the same customer, it's better to create a specific template for that user. Refer to Customer template for more about this option.

Repeat steps from 2 to 10 as needed until the template is ready.

Click Save.


Case 1: Default answers

For this template, in the “proof approval” topic, a default answer has been set for the “sign-off” field:

This means when a new job is created using this template for the smart notes, the “sign-off” field will be already populated (thou still editable), as in the example below:

Notice when the topic has a default answer its status already start off as “partial”.

Case 2: Customer exceptions

In the same template and topic we have a customer exception:

In this case jobs created to the Customer A – as set in the exception – will have a different default answer for the “sign off” field, in the “proof approval” topic:


Customer template

Any template that is not set as Standard can be associated to a customer. In order to associate a template toi a specific customer, follow these steps:

From iQuote’s desktop go to Sales > CRM > Customer or enter “Customer” in the quick search field.

Select the appropriate customer and click Edit.

Under Additional fields, select the Smart notes template.

Click Save.

Note: The same template can be linked to multiple customers.