Topic and Topic Classes

The topics record represent the context – the main subject – where users create the smart notes themselves and they can be organized into groups and sub groups (check Topic groups).

Note: Topics can be created inside any level of Topic group.


Each topic gathers important information and may contain several questions. iQuote offers 3 classes of topics that you can use as needed, as described below: 


The header is the most basic of the topic classes. It has no variations and applies to the whole Job or Estimate.

Characteristic extension

The characteristic extension class adds new fields to a given specification characteristic. This new fields are only for information and do not affect the engineering calculation.

Product version (multiple versions)

Topics in this class are linked to the final products in the Job and Estimate. The fields set in the topic shall be answered for each version of the product, selected in the topic. That is, you must relate all the product versions to at least one topic.

Product version (single version)

This topic makes it possible for you to select only one version of the product from the Estimate or Job in the Smart Notes topic.

Note: You cannot select the same component version in two different topics.

Repeatable Header

This class allows you to duplicate Smart Notes’ topics, whenever you need to create several similar topics, without a link to the product versions.


In the system’s main menu, go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product specification > Topic or enter "Topic " in the Quick Search field.

Click New.

In Description enter a name for the topic you’re creating.

Enable the Active parameter.

Fill in the remaining fields as follows:



Topic group

Use the drop-down menu to select the topic group where this topic shall be allocated.

This field is mandatory.

Specification category

Limit the access to this topic to users with permissions to the selected specification category.

Refer to Access control by specification category for more about this.

Topic class

Select the topic class that is most appropriate for this context.

This field is mandatory.

Characteristic type

Use the search for choosing the specification characteristic to add questions to.

This field is displayed only if the selected Topics class is “Characteristic extension" and is mandatory.

Parent Topic

Select another topic to be defined as parent. By relating a parent, you trigger the following behaviors in the system:

If you create a parent topic, the system creates the child too.

If you delete the parent topic, the system deletes the child too.

If you duplicate the parent topic, the system duplicates the child too.

If you select a parent topic, you can see in the left panel all of its children topics.

The status of the topic works as the items in a Topic Group:

If one child is red, the parent becomes red too.

If all children are gray, the parent becomes gray too.

If one child is yellow and there is no red child, the parent becomes yellow.

If all children are green, the parent is green too.

Smart object

Select one of the pre-defined set of questions to add them to the topic.

External contact

Internal contact

Payment type

Postal information

For more about these options, refer to Smart objects.

Create instructions set at component version level

This field appears only if you select "Characteristic Extention" as the topic class.

It allows you to create a Smart Notes topic for each component version. For that, go to Planning > Planner > Job > Smart Notes or Sales > iQuote > Estimate > Smart Notes and select one or more versions to link that topic to in the Component Version field.


In the grid, click New for adding a smart note to this topic. The following window opens:

In Description enter the specific question, as it shall be displayed in the smart notes in the Job and Estimate.

Enable the Active parameter.

Fill in the remaining fields as follows:



Field name

This field accepts both letters, numbers and symbols. The data here works as a reference for integration with other systems.

This field is mandatory.

Specification category

Limit the access to this topic to users with permissions to the selected specification category.

Refer to Access control by specification category for more about this.

Field type

Select one of the available types of field structure:

Checkbox (Yes / No)

Description (String)


Date and time

Decimal value

Integer value



Object (any system object type)


Size (single dimension)

Format (W x H)

Note: For more details on how to configure and use the different field types check Field types.

Copy answer to this question when the topic is copied

Select this option sothat, when you copy this topic, the system automatically applies the same answer to the new topic.

Required field to complete the topic

Check this parameter if you want this this question to be mandatory to complete the topic in the Job and/or Estimate.

Note: Some Field type options prompt the system do open other fields in this window. For more about the configuration of these field types check Field types.

Note: You can create up to 60 fields per Smart Notes Topic.

Populate the fields to configure the selected Field type, is any.

Configure the Filter to be activated.

Click Confirm.

Repeat steps 6 to 12 for adding as many questions as needed in this topic.

Click Save.


Field types

iQuote provides several field types for configuring the smart notes questions. They work by defining the field format and each type is used for a different purpose, according to what kind of data you need to gather.


Checkbox (yes/ no)


Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.


Creates a checkbox that can be enabled (checked) or disabled (unchecked).




Description (String)


When creating a description type question, enter the maximum number of characters accepted as an answer:

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The Description type of field is used for asking information that can be answered by a short text.





Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The Notes type of field creates a space for entering larger blocks of text, such as notes or observations.


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Date and time


Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The Date and time type of field is used for asking information that can be answered only by a date and time data.



Decimal value


Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The Decimal value type of field is used for gathering numeric information and it accepts answers with decimal places.



Integer value


Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The Integer value type of field is used for gathering numeric information and it only accepts integer values, that is: it does not accept any decimal places.





When creating a lookup type question the user is required to create the options to be displayed as possible answers:

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Click New to create an option.

Populate the fields as follows:




This information is not displayed in the lookup in the Job’s or Estimate's product specification. This is only a reference for the user when configuring this options or if want to get it using the SQL commands in the database.


Enter the appropriate name for each answer option.

Tool tip

Enter the alert message to be displayed in the Job and Estimate for options with the “alert” checkbox enabled. This field is optional, even for alert options.

See the example under Use, below.


Answers marked as “alert”, when selected in the Job and Estimate, throw the topic in alert status and show up a message. Questions in alert status are required to be reviewed.

See the example under Use, below.


This parameter is enabled by default. Unselect it to deactivate the option, if needed.


Select an icon to be displayed in the job for options with the “alert” checkbox enabled. This field is optional, even for alert options.

See the example under Use, below.

Note: User can manage image records in Administration > Dictionary > Image.



The lookup type of field is used for creating questions with predefined multiple-choice answers.


Lookup question without any option marked as “alert”:

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When one of the options is marked as “alert” it is indicated in the lookup question. Also, if an image has been selected in the configuration, it is displayed too:

If the alert option is selected, the system shows a message, as set up in the topic configuration:

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Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The file type of field allows users to upload files into the job’s smart notes.


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Object (any system object type)


When creating an object type question, select the system’s object to be accepted as an answer:

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The object type of field adds allows searching for a specific system object, such as an estimate.





Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The file type of field allows users to upload images into the job’s smart notes.


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Note: You can also upload a PDF file in an Image type field. The system displays it in the same place where it would display the image.


Size (single dimension)


Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The size type of field is used for single dimension measurement values.



Format (W x H)


Requires no specific configuration in the topic record.



The size type of field is used for two-dimensional measurement values.



Topic layout

In the topic’s layout screen the user can define how the questions in a topic are placed in the product specification tab (both in the Estimate and the Job).

For setting up a topic’s layout:

Click the Topic layout button.

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Enter a layout name for easy identification.

Select the appropriate Arrangement among the following options:




Smart double



Select the appropriate Style among the following options:

Use the buttons up in the tool bar to add different structures to the layout.



Add form

Add tab

Add vertical divider

Add horizontal divider


Click Add data to include questions in the layout. In the drop-down menu, the system lists all the questions in the topic that have not been added to the layout yet.

For repositioning the added questions, simply click and drag the item.

Click Confirm.

Back in the Topic record, click Save.

Click Apply layouts. Wait a couple moments while iQuote apply the new layouts and, then, click Confirm.

Important: The layout application takes place in the system's framework. So it's fundamental to click "Apply layout" to proceed with the alteration.


Layout test

After creating the topics and setting up their layouts, click the Layout test button for a preview of the topics created.

In this screen, user can verify and test how the fields work for each topic created, like in the example below:

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Filter to activate

The exhibition of a field can be conditioned by the answer given in another of the topic’s field. Use the filter field configuration, in the topic, to define the condition.

Inside of a topic, select the appropriate field to edit or create a new one.

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Under Filter to be activated, click edit filter.

Click New.

In the field on the left, select which fields should be used in the filter

Use the field on the right for defining the condition for exhibition. Depending on the type of field used as condition, different options will be available.

If necessary, check the “no” parameter for creating negative condition.

Click Ok.

Click Confirm and save the topic.


Check a few examples bellow:


Case 1: Filter condition using a notes type of field

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According to this configuration, the selected field is displayed only if the Notes field, in the same topic is populated exactly with the text “Example”

Case 2: Filter condition using a lookup type of field as condition

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For this scenario, the selected field is displayed only if the option selected in the lookup field is “Live data samples”

Case3: Filter condition using a negative condition

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In this case, the negative parameter is checked. So it means the selected field is displayed in any situation where the lookup field in the same topic is not empty.