Topic Groups

In the topic group record users can create and organize groups of areas that form the main structure the smart notes are linked to.

iQuote also provides for the creation of many levels of embedded grouping, this way the user can build a detailed structure made of groups and subgroups, allowing for the smart notes to be linked to very specific steps of the production process, if necessary.

In the system’s main menu, go to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product specification > Topic group or enter "Topic group" in the Quick Search field.


How to create a parent topic group

Click New.

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In Description enter a name for the topic group you’re creating.

Make sure the Active parameter is enabled.

Leave the Parent topic group field empty.

Click Save.


How to create an embedded topic group

Create at least one other topic group, so it can be used as the parent topic group.

Click New.

In Description enter a name for the topic group you’re creating.

Make sure the Active parameter is enabled.

In the Parent topic group field, select one of the previously created topic groups.

Use the arrows to move the topic group order:

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Click Save.



Case 1: Creating a 1st level embedded topic group

In this case we had already created a topic group for Prepress and, after that, we added a new topic group for plate setting.

Since we want this new topic group to be embedded inside of the Prepress topic group,, we select the “prepress” option in the Parent topic group field:

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And here we can see the Plate setting topic group allocated inside its parent topic group, Prepress:

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Case 2: Creating a 2nd level embedded topic group

Now we already have a 1st level embedded topic group, let’s create a 2nd level one.

Here we already have prepress – as a main topic group – and proofs/ approvals – as a 1st level embedded topic group:

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So we’ll create a new topic group – the Certified Color Proof. And in the Parent Topic group field we’ll select the “Proofs approvals” option:

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