Perfect Binding

The “Perfect Binding” Specification Characteristic indicates the component to which the characteristic is linked will be perfect bound. This is an aggregation class; it will be used in components that put other components together (children components).



This specification characteristic class will activate the following functionalities:

1011 – Collector (Perfect Bind)

1014 – Covering Machine (Perfect Bind)

1026 – Inserting Machine

1027 – Sewing

1056 – Wrap Product

1006 – Trilateral

1066 – Sewn Sheets

For more information on the functionalities, refer to "Production Group Functionalities" in the Engineering Records.

This specification characteristic class will be shown in the estimate and in the job as in the following screen:

Note: A check box next to the functionality’s name will be shown only if the specification characteristic is optional to the selected component.


Creating the characteristic

In the system’s main menu, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specification > Specification Characteristic Type or enter "Specification Characteristic Type” in the Quick Search field.

Click Add. Complete the fields in this screen, as described below:




Identification code for the specification characteristic type.


Description of the specification characteristic type. The system will show it in the other records.

Screen Description

Description of the specification characteristic type that the system will show in estimate’s and Product Order’s product specification. If this field is blank, the system will use the description defined in Description as the product specification.

Characteristic Class

Standard class that determines the type of specification characteristic, its information and viewing mode in the product specification.

When you select a class, the Information about the Characteristic Class area will show how the system will present the characteristic in the product specification and how the characteristic will appear in the estimate’s and Product Order’s product specification.

Specification Characteristic Classification

Characteristic type that indicates how the system will show the specification characteristic in the Job.

Create Engineering

It indicates whether the specification characteristic is available for Engineering.

You should select this option if you expect the specification characteristic to be available in the Engineering, to activate a functionality. If you mark a characteristic as "Create Engineering" and there is no recorded functionality that would suppress this characteristic, the system will not calculate the Engineering.

For more information, refer to "Production group".


Indicates whether the specification characteristic is available for use in the the estimate’s and Product Order’s product specification.

Technical Characteristic

It indicates whether the specification characteristic is a technical characteristic.

The user can view the technical characteristics in the estimate’s and Product Order’s product specification if they have the access control EPS > Sales > Records> iQuote > Product Specification > Characteristic Specification Type > View Technical Characteristics.

Allows Specialization

Indicates whether the specification characteristic is available for you to select as a specialization characteristic of a product that have different models.

If a product has two models, where one will be packed in a packet and the other in a shrinkwrap, it should be specified as a single product with 2 models and it should be indicated that both the shrinkwrap and the packet can be specialized. This way, both models will be available in the product specification.

This option applies only to the following specification characteristic classes:

Package - Box

Package - Strap

Package - Packet

Package - Pallet

Package - Bag

Package - Shrinkwrap

It’s not possible to specialize the other classes’ product specification.

Note: Information about the Characteristic Class area.

By including the specification characteristic type in the Information about the Characteristic Class area, it is possible to view how the estimates' and jobs' product specification will display the selected characteristic, making it easier to choose the correct class.

The fields displayed in this area are only for viewing and cannot be filled. For more information on how to fill the characteristic fields in the estimate’s or Job’s product specification, refer to Introduction to Estimating.

Click Confirm. Complete the new fields that will open in this screen, as described below:



Characteristic Description Mode

Specification characteristic description that the system will show by default in the Job. You can change this description when customizing the Job. Select in the Specification Components Types Records the specification characteristic description to be displayed in the Proposal.

For more information, refer to "Specification Components Types.”

Simple generic characteristic added

Type of specification class characteristic Generic Characteristic that you can link to another specification characteristic. For example, if you select the lamination specification characteristic for the product, it is necessary to automatically create a Review laminated materials specification characteristic. This second characteristic is assigned to the product, but the system will not show it in the specification screen.

This way, if the Create Engineering parameter is enabled for this characteristic, it is possible to use the linked characteristic to make filters in the Engineering or to activate generic functionalities.

The system displays this field only if you enable the Generate Engineering options.


Note below a brief description of this toolbar’s button:

Button Name

Button Function

Edit Characteristic Info

Allows the user to edit additional information to the specification characteristic, if the selected class type accept it.


Validation limits tab

Note: The validation limits can be used in some characteristic classes to determine a range that can be specified in the estimate or Job. For example, if a minimum and a maximum format are set as a characteristic’s validation limit the system will show a message informing there is an inconsistency in the estimates anytime someone tries to enter a value outside this range in the product specification.

To add a new validation limit, click New.

Click the arrow next to the Validation Type box and select the appropriate validation, if there are any.

In the Minimum field, enter the value to be the lowest validation limit value.

In the Maximum field, enter the value to be the upper validation limit value.

Repeat steps from 1 to 4 to add all the validation limits.


Edit characteristic info

Click Edit Characteristic Info if it is a new Record or if the characteristic details need to be edited. The screen below will open.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email
Description automatically generated

In Glue Types, click New. Complete the fields in this screen, as described below:




Description of the glue to be selected in the Product Secification.

Glue Type

Type of glue that will be available for selection in the Product Specification once it is linked to the Perfect Bind characteristic. This information can be used to differentiate materials used in the perfect binding process. For more information refer to “Glue” in the Engineering Records.

In order to make a glue option available it must be previously recorded in the Glue Type Record. For more information refer to “Glue Type”.


It indicates whether the glue type is available for use in the estimates’s and Job’s product specification.

Enable this option if this glue type option should be available for use in the specification characteristic.


It indicates whether the glue type is automatically selected in whenever this characteristic in the Estimate’s or ProductionOrder’s Product Specification.


Repeat step 1 and 2 to add all the appropriate options.

In Spine thickness increase, click New.

Under Spine range start thickness enter the initial value for the spine thickness range.

Attention! The fields in this tab are not mandatory. But if used one – and only one – range has to start at zero.

Under Spine % increase define how much the engineering shall increase the spine thickness for that range.

When finished click Save to save the new options.

Click again Save to save the new specification characteristic.

In Composition Type, click New. Complete the fields in this screen, as described below:




Name of the aggregation options that may be used by children components linked to the component that has the aggregation characteristic. This information can be modified in the Estimate’s or Job’s Product Specification. For more information, refer to "Composition".

Aggregation type

Type of aggregation that indicates how the children components will be linked to the main component which has the aggregation characteristic. Those can be:

Use Standard aggregation – Indicates that the child component will use the aggregation defined in its own characteristic class. In this case, the child component will be glued to the product’s spine.

Use Inserted aggregation – Indicates that the child component will be inserted into the component that has the aggregation characteristic. When inserted, the child component will not be attached to the product’s spine.

Use Involved aggregation– Indicates that the child component will be involved in the component that has the aggregation characteristic.


It indicates if the aggregation type is automatically selected in the children components every time the Perfect Bind - Glued characteristic is selected in the aggregation component.


It indicates whether the aggregation option is available for use in the estimates’s and Job’s product specification.


Repeat step 9 to add all the appropriate options.

When finished click Save to save the new options.

Click again Save to save the new specification characteristic.

Note: After adding the appropriate specification characteristic, it shall be linked to the same specification component so it will be shown in the estimate’s and Job’s product specification. For more information, refer to "Linking the Specification Characteristic to the Specification Component".