Create Substrate Groups

Substrate Groups determine which substrates are available for each specification component. For example, when you create a cover component, substrate groups filter the substrates so that only those used for cover components are available.

  1. Navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specifications > Substrate > Substrate Group.

The Substrate Group List Screen opens with a list of Substrate Group records.
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  1. Do one of the following:
  • To create a new substrate group, click New (Picture 29).

The Add Substrate Group Screen opens.
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  • To modify an existing substrate group, double-click the row that contains the substrate group you want to edit, or select the desired substrate group and click Edit.

The Edit Substrate Group screen opens, with the details of the substrate group you selected.

  • To delete an existing substrate group, select the substrate group you want to delete, click Delete, then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

The system removes the Substrate Group record from the list on the Substrate Group List screen.

  1. Complete the following fields for the substrate group, as applicable:
  • In the Description field, enter a descriptive name for this substrate group.
  • In the Display Type field, select the type of calculation (e.g., grammage, basis size, or thickness) you want to link to this substrate group.
  • In the Basis Weight field (required and available only if you select Basis Size in the Display Type field), enter the desired basis weight calculation. Refer to the Define A Basis Size Calculation topic in this guide for information on how to create a new calculation.
  • In the MIS Template Roll field (available for Radius integrations), select the MIS template you want to associate with this Substrate Group, or select the Quick Link (down arrow) to the left of the Basis Weight field name, then click Template Defaults to create a new template.

Note: This field applies only if your system is integrated with Radius. You can select a template from the drop-down list. To define template standards, click the Quick Link (down arrow) to the left of the field and select the templates to load automatically whenever substrate groups are created.

  • Leave the Active check box selected to make this record available for use throughout the system.
  • In the Notes field, enter any additional information you want to include about this substrate group.
  1. In the Associated Substrate Types tab at the bottom of the screen, review any available substrate types associated with this substrate group. (Refer to the Create Substrate Types topic in this guide for more information.)
  2. Click Save to save the record.

The Substrate Groups List screen opens, with the new or modified Substrate Group record in the list.


Define A Basis Size Calculation From Within A Substrate Group

  1. Navigate to the Substrate Group screen and create a new, or select an existing, substrate group. The Edit Substrate Group screen opens.

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  1. Select Basis Size from the drop-down list in the Display Types field.
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  2. Use the Search feature in the Basis Weight field to locate an existing calculation, or, if the desired calculation does not exist, select the Quick Link (down arrow) to the left of the Basis Weight field name.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • To create a new calculation, click Insert Basis Weight.

The Insert Basis Weight screen opens.
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  • To modify the calculation in the Basis Weight field, select Edit Basis Weight.

The Edit Basis Weight screen opens, with the details of the calculation you selected.

  • To view the workflow diagram for this substrate group, click Workflow.

The Workflow screen opens, with the corresponding workflow diagram.

  1. On the Insert Basis Weight screen or the Edit Basis Weight screen, complete the following fields, as applicable:
  • In the Description field (required) enter a descriptive name for this calculation.
  • In the Width field (required), enter the width size you want to use in this calculation.
  • In the Height field (required), enter the height size you want to use in this calculation.
  • In the Number Of Sheets field (required), enter the number of sheets used in this calculation.
  • In the External Reference field, enter any external reference information pertaining to this calculation.
  • Leave the Active check box selected to make this record available for use throughout the system.
  1. Click Save to save the calculation.
  2. Click Exit to return to the Substrate Group List screen.