Create Substrate Types

  1. From the iQuote Desktop, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Product Specifications > Substrate > Substrate Type. The Substrate Type screen opens with a list of Substrate Type records.

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  1. Do one of the following:
  • To create a new substrate type, click Add. The Add Substrate Type screen opens.

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  • To modify an existing substrate type, double-click the row that contains the substrate type you want to edit, or select the desired substrate type and click Edit. The Edit Substrate Type screen opens, with the details of the substrate type you selected.
  • To delete an existing substrate type, select the substrate type you want to delete, click Delete, then click Yes to confirm the deletion. The system removes the Substrate Type record from the list on the Substrate Type screen.
  1. Complete the following fields for the substrate type, as applicable:
  • In the Description field (required), enter the descriptive name for this substrate type that you want to appear on the estimate and to use on the proposal letter.
  • In the Substrate Group field (required), select the substrate group you want to link to this substrate type. (Refer to the Create Substrate Groups topic in this guide for more information.)
  • In the Substrate Standards field (required), select the substrate standard you want to link to this substrate type. (Refer to the Create Substrate Standards topic in this guide for more information.)
  • In the Cost Account field (required), select the substrate cost account, or cost classification, you want to associate with this substrate type.

Tip: Select a different cost account for each customer.

  1. In the Sheet area and Substrate Roll area, complete the following fields for the substrate type:
  • In the Cost Unit field (required), select the cost unit that you want to define the cost line to sheet for this substrate type.
  • In the Production Unit field (required), select the production unit label you want to display in the engineering.

● Click Details in the Substrate Roll area to add notes to the production unit.
● Click Cost Account Per Plant to view the cost account at each plant that corresponds to this substrate type.

  • Leave the Active check box selected to make this record available for use throughout the system.

  1. Click Save to save the calculation.
  2. If desired, add, modify, or delete additional substrate lines using the cost table at the bottom of the Substrate Type screen. Refer to the Create Substrate Lines Within A Substrate Type topic in this guide for more information.
  3. Click Exit to return to the Substrate Type List screen.‎


Create Substrate Lines Within A Substrate Type

You can add substrate lines to a substrate type to easily identify different providers or specifications to the same substrate. iQuote creates separate cost lines to each substrate line in the cost table.

  1. Navigate to the Substrate Type List screen and create a new, or select an existing, substrate type.
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  2. In the table at the bottom of the Edit Substrate Type screen, do one of the following:
  • To create a new substrate, click Add. The Add Substrate screen opens.

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  • To modify an existing substrate, select the row that contains the substrate you want to edit, and click Edit. The Edit Substrate screen opens, with the details of the substrate you selected.
  • To delete an existing substrate, select the substrate you want to delete, click Delete, then click Yes to confirm the deletion. The system removes the Substrate record from the table on the Substrate Type screen.

Note: You cannot delete substrate records after they are used to create raw materials.

  1. Complete the following fields for the substrate, as applicable:

Tip: Click Details to add notes to the substrate line.

  • In the Line field (required), enter a descriptive name for this substrate line.
  • In the Substrate field (required), enter the substrate you want to use for this line.
  • In the Manufacturer field (required), select the manufacturer of this substrate.
  • In the Engineering Scope field (required), enter, or search for, the engineering scope you want to apply to this substrate.
  • The Calculation Method indicates grammage calculation for this substrate line.
  • Leave the Active check box selected to make this record available for use throughout the system.
  • Select the Tax Exempt Only check box if you want this substrate line to be tax exempt.
  • Select the Allow Different Coupling check box if you want to enable the system to use different coupling for this substrate line.
  • Select the Send Round Up To MIS check box if you want the system to round up the calculation when sending the information to the MIS.
  1. In the Grammages area on the Grammage/Formats tab, complete all the following instructions to define the grammage for this substrate line:

Note: The display grammage is derived from the substrate group linked with the substrate type.

  • To create a new grammage definition, click Add. A new row opens in the Grammages area.
  • In the Grammage field, enter the grammage you want to use for this substrate line.
  • In the Sheets Per Package field, as desired, enter the number of sheets in each package.
  • In the Calculation Value field, enter the calculation value for this substrate line, as applicable.
  • In the Display field, enter the value you want to display for this substrate line.
  1. In the Sheets area on the Grammage/Formats tab, complete all the following instructions to define the sheet size list for this substrate line:
  • To create a new sheet size, click Add. A new row opens in the Sheets area.
  • In the Width field, enter the width of this sheet.
  • In the Length field, enter the length of this sheet.
  • Select the Apply Trimmed Waste check box if you want the system to apply trimmed waste to this sheet.
  • In the Engineering Selection field, enter the desired calculation, such as Normal, Alternative, Only If Required, or Generic. Refer to the Set Up Substrate Engineering topic in this guide for more information.
  1. In the Rolls area on the Grammage/Formats tab, complete all the following instructions to define the roll width list for this substrate line:
  • To create a new roll, click Add. A new row opens in the Rolls area.
  • In the Width field, enter the width of this roll.
  • In the Engineering Selection field, enter the desired engineering selection, such as Normal, Alternative, Only If Required, or Generic. Refer to the Set Up Substrate Engineering topic in this guide for more information.
  1. Click Save to save your records. The Substrate Type screen opens.


Note: if you pick a Substrate Type with only one Grammage/Thickness option, the system auto-populates this information in the field, so you do not have to open the drop-down list and select an available option.


Create Raw Materials For A Substrate

You create raw materials to link grammages and sizes for a substrate type.

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  1. Navigate to the desired Substrate Type record.
  2. In the Substrate Lines area, click Go to “Raw Materials” per plant. The Create Raw Materials screen opens.

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  1. On the Create Raw Materials screen, review or complete the following fields, as applicable:
  • In the Substrate field, select the substrate to which you want this material to apply.
  • In the Manufacturer field, select the manufacturer for this raw material.
  • In the Substrate Line field, select the substrate line to which you want this raw material to apply.
  • In the Plant field, select the plant for this raw material.
  1. Click the Create Raw Material button. The Raw Materials table opens in the Raw Materials Available To Create tab. 
  2. In the Raw Materials table, select the formats for which you want to create a raw material.
  3. Click Create Raw Materials to confirm the new material(s). The Confirm Raw Materials screen opens.

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  1. Review the list of raw materials, then click Yes to confirm. The Create Raw Materials screen opens.

  1. On the Create Raw Materials screen, click the Created Raw Materials tab and review the materials available to calculate the substrate in the estimate engineering.
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  2. Click Exit to return to the Edit Substrate Type screen.


Separate substrate item by Plant

You can use the Separate Substrate item by Plant button to assign substrates to a specific plant definition. However, to use this feature, you must make sure that:

The Separate Raw Materials by plant check box is not selected in the Estimate General Settings. To make sure of that, navigate to Sales > Records > iQuote > Commercial > Estimate General Settings > Separate Raw Materials by Plant. Otherwise, the system automatically separates all substrates.

You have enabled the Separate Substrate item by plant access control. You can do that by navigating to Administration > User > User Profile. Click the Permissions tab, then open the following path and select the check box: ePS > Sales > Records > Product Specification > Substrate > Substrate Type > Separate Substrate item by Plant.

Once you have made sure that the prerequisites were met, you will be able to see the button above the grid in the Created Raw Material grid. Follow the steps below to use it.

Click the Separate Substrate item by Plant button. The Separate Substrate Item window opens with a table containing all the active Plants in your environment.

Select the plant(s) into which you want to separate the substrate. 

Note: You can select and deselect only the Plants to which the selected Raw Material is not related yet. If the Raw Material is already related to a Plant, the system displays the Plant as read-only.

Click Confirm.

If you select more than one Plant, the system automatically creates a new record copying the Sheets by packaging, Round up, Send Round up to MIS and Roll length fields from the the original Raw Material, but with the other Plant(s) related to it.

The next time that the system calculates an Estimate, it selects the raw material(s) available in the selected plant. You cannot select materials from other plants.

Important! For each raw material separated by plant, the system creates a new Cost Item broken down by format and weight. To display the cost item, navigate to the Substrate Cost at Sales > Records > iQuote > Costing > Costs.

The raw materials not split by plant are still linked to their original cost.


Substrate Cost Configuration

From the Substrate Type screen, you can also define some options related to the Substrate cost. For that, go to Substrate Type > click on Go to "Raw Materials" per plant > Created Raw Material tab, where you will find a table displaying the list of all the raw materials that you have already created and will be able to edit some of their cost configurations.

One of the configurations that help to determine how the system will calculate the material's cost is the Plant that it belongs to, which allows you to create different costs for the same material. 

By default, the Plant column is read-only. So, to assign a material to a specific Plant, follow these steps:

Select one of the available materials and click on the Separate Substrate Item by Plat. This button will open a window.

Note: This button will only be visible if the checkbox "Separate Raw Materials by plant" from the Estimate General Settings is unchecked and if the "Separate Substrate item by plant” access control is enabled.

You can define the Separate Substrate item by plant access control by going to Administration > User > User Profile. Inside the Permissions tab, open the following path and check the control’s box: ePS > Sales > Records > Product Specification > Substrate > Substrate Type > Separate Substrate item by Plant.

The Separate Substrate item by Plant window will display a table with a list of all the Plants that are active in your environment.

Check the Plant(s) that you want to make the material available in. If you select more than one Plant, the system will automatically create a new line in the grid from the Created Raw Material tab; a new one for each extra Plant selected.

Note: once you check a Plant, it will become read-only; you cannot deselect it.

Click on Confirm.


Note: it is not possible to have a Raw Material record without a Plant with the same Substrate, Format, and Weight as another Raw Material record that has a Plant. It is also not possible to delete a Raw Material that has a Plant unless it was never used before in your environment.



Creating a Substrate From The Estimate

Instead of going to the Substrate Type page to create Substrate Lines and Raw Materials before being able to use them in an Estimate, it is possible to create a Substrate weight and Raw Material from the Estimate itself. In this case, the system will add a new Sheet/Roll format to the Substrate Line automatically, according to the data that you inform in the Estimate's product specification.

To create a Substrate from the Estimate, follow these steps:

 Go to Sales > iQuote > Estimate and create a new Estimate or edit an existing one.

In the Product tab, select the component that you want to create a new substrate for. Select the Substrate Type and Line that you want to use.

On the Specification tab, click the Details button in the Paper/Substrate area. The Details window will open.

On the Details window, check the Enforce substrate weight option. Once you check that option, five new fields will open.

There are two ways of using this new option:

You will enter the new weight that you want to create in the Substrate Weight field and also enter the material size in the Format field. When you save the Estimate, the system will automatically create the Raw Material using the weight and the format that you informed.

You will enter the new weight that you want to create in the Substrate Weight field and check the Simulates Generic Substrate option. In this case, the system will use the format that is marked as "Generic" Engineering Selection (which you must have created beforehand) in the Substrate Type.

When you save the Estimate, the system will automatically create the Raw Material for each simulation, using the weight that you informed and the generic format.

Note: No matter the option that you choose to use to enforce the weight, the system will automatically create a cost line in the Substrate Cost table for each new weight.