Alternative Scenarios

The following use case scenarios depict how the spreadsheet layout can change based on the Estimate or Job record.


Multiple Component Levels

In a multiple component levels scenario, your Estimate or Job includes more than one main product or one component level.

For example, assume your customer requests a quote with multiple products sharing the same components, and the components are composed of other components, which create several component levels. In this case, two main products have some components in common and the second product includes two second-level components.

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The spreadsheet for this scenario includes multiple “main product” tables. Based on this example, the spreadsheet includes two tables in the Final Product area: one for the Mailing product and the other for the Inventory product.

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Tip: Although the Inventory product did not use the Personalized Letter component, iQuote still includes the component in the Inventory table so that you can add it to the product, as desired.


The more component levels you create, the more rows and sections the system adds to the spreadsheet, with a section for each level. Consider this example that includes a spreadsheet with two sections:

The first section includes the main products and their components (the ones without associated second-level components).

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The second section includes the first-level component and its associated second-levels components. Note that although this section includes the same type of information as the first section, the first-level component is in the first table, with its second-level components detailed below it.

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You can use this table to create new versions for the first-level component:

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Note: Be sure to update the main product table with the new version after you create or edit versions.

Important: The system updates the components shared between the main products according to all the main product tables. For example, if you update the Envelope Convert quantity for the Silver version in the Mailing table from 8,000 to 10,000 (adding 2,000) and in the Inventory table from 1,000 to 5,000 (adding 4,000), automatically the Envelope Convert table will have its quantity updated from 31,150 to 37,150 (31,150 + 6,000).


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Likewise, whenever you edit the second-level component quantity, the system automatically updates the first-level component table and if you create a new component version using the components table, you can select that new version in both main products’ table.

Note: You cannot include the same description for both the main product version and the component version.


Components Association

You use component associations when there are two or more components produced by the same Engineering route. This scenario avoids restarting the whole machinery process when the components include just a few layout differences that can be split at the end of the production process into their own separate products.

Tip: Use versions if the only changes between components are related to the art used (e.g., a different logo). Use associations when the components have the same paper, but different sizes and colors.

When the Estimate or Job record includes an association, you can still change the product and components quantity and versions using the exported spreadsheet; however, the layout does not change.

Note: In this scenario, the spreadsheet does not include any additional areas, columns, or component tables for updating the components.

For example, assume you have a regular association with two components, and you want to change these components quantity and add a new component version. In this case, you enter the new quantity on the main product table, add the version in the component table, and import the spreadsheet back to the system.

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Signature Detail

When your product includes too many pages to print in only one run (which causes the printing process to split it into two or more repetitions), you can use Signature Detail. With Signature Detail, the engineering displays each run, with its detailed quantities and processes, to make the production process clearer.



Without Signature Detail:

Picture 16


With Signature Detail:

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Note: When you activate Signature Detail in your Estimate or Job, the spreadsheet layout changes to reflect the detailed product component. Instead of including only one representation of the component, the main product table in the Final Product area includes a section for each signature detail, with each signature assigned its own table in the Component area.


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You can use the component table to create versions and change the quantities, similar to the other scenarios. However, with Signature Detail you create a version for each detailed component separately.

Delete Versions

The following procedure details how to use the spreadsheet from iQuote to delete versions from the main product or the components:

Export the spreadsheet from your Estimate or Job record.

Do any of the following:

To delete a version from the main product, delete the version name and its related quantity.

To delete a version from one of the components, delete the version name and its related quantity on the component table.

Note: If the version you deleted is related to any of the main product versions, you must update the component version on the main product table.

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Save the file and import it back to iQuote.

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Tip: To delete all the main product versions or component versions, or to delete whole components, use the on-screen options.