Additional Considerations

If you use iQuote version 10.0 or earlier, you cannot use the Association in these scenarios:

It is not possible to create an Association with only one component.

It is not possible to link regular and irregular format components to the same Regular Association.

It is not possible to create Regular Associations with components that have versions.

It is not possible to link the same component to more than one Association.

These are the enhancements that iQuote version 10.1 brings to the Association feature:

You can create an Association with only one component, which you can use to create templates, for example.

The inclusion of the Association Layout Modes: drag and drop, manual, and layout optimization.

You can link regular and irregular format components in the Regular Association, but if you use an irregular format component, you will need to use the Manual layout mode.

You can create Regular Associations with components that have versions. In fact, it is possible to split the versions into different Regular Associations. For example, you can add the version 1 of a component to the Regular Association 1, and the version 2 of the same component, to the Regular Association 2.

- If you link one version of a component to a Regular Association, then all the versions must be linked to at least one Association.
- You cannot Edit the layout of a component that has versions with different sizes, when the Format mode is manual.
- You cannot associate components that have versions, and the Format mode is manual.
- If the Format mode is manual, you need to define a Format layout and select all the versioning components distributed in the runs at Sales > iQuote > Estimate > Product Specification or Planner > Planning > Job > Product Specification.

It is possible to link the same component to more than one Association, but you cannot link the same version from a component to different Associations.

The system will be able to use the 1085 – Cutting (Association) functionality to make all the necessary cuts in the products that use Regular Association, removing the necessity to have different machines to make different types of cuts (i.e, one time with a Cutter machine and another with the 1085 – Cutting (Association) functionality).

Note: Due to this improvement, we strongly recommend you review the configuration, to identify any workaround related to the Regular Association cutter. We also recommend you add the 1085 functionality to the Cutter Production Group (i.e., machine). The functionality should not be in a virtual Production Group.

These are the enhancements that iQuote version 11.0 brings to the Association feature:

You can associate components that use the Variable Data characteristic.

Whenever you have a Job that has associated components, the system creates a sub job for each component that is associated, assigning the same sub job sequence. That is, if you change the sequence from the job, then the sub job sequence of all associated components also changes automatically. Moreover, if you add a new sub job in an associated component that already has sub jobs, the system uses the existing sequence. If you enter a new sequence, it is ignored.