Using Features For Multi-Plant

Multi plant scenarios are a reality for many iQuote’s clients, and our team works to continuously enhance the provisions for those who use multiple plants.

Initially, the plants in iQuote were linked to the final product, and all components linked in that product followed the same plant. In previous versions, we worked a solution to allow a different plant in the component: The specification characteristic type “Plant selection” could be used in the component to define a different plant in which that component should be produced, but all the activities in that component were still bound to only one plant.

Starting in Suite 8.1, our solution brings a new feature that improves this scenario by allowing activities in the same component to be produced in different plants, and even calculating the impacts of the transportation between plants in the final estimate value.

Note: This section was written for contexts where the iQuote system has already been preconfigured and it’s necessary only to add the functions specific for this particular scenario. If the system is not set or there are doubts about its records or functions refer to the iQuote user guides, the Online Help or reach out to our support team.

Note: In previous versions, using the “Plant selection” specification characteristic did not prompt the system add a transport activity in the end of the component. This is still the standard behavior.
Although Suite 8.1 brings enhancements in plant definition that do generate a transportation activity, these new features did not affect the behavior of the “Plant selection” specification characteristic.

Important: The new features related to the plant change adapter functionality do not work in environments integrated with Metrics.