Price detail tab (in the estimate)

As part of the price detail enhancement, the estimate now has a new tab inside the proposal screen:

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The data in this tab is grouped according to the price detail style applied to the estimate. By default, the style defined in the Estimate Standards (check the Configuration chapter in this document), but the user can define a different style for any estimate by following these steps:

Go to Sales > iQuote > Estimate.

Open the appropriate estimate.

Click More actions and select Negotiation parameters.

In this dialog box, choose the correct price detail style:

Click Confirm.

Once the price detail style is set, the user can see the prices in the estimate organized accordingly. Let’s take a closer look in the Price detail tab:

1 - Main grid.

The main grid lists all the items mapped in the price details style. The other columns in this grid display data from the estimate according to what was set in the price detail style record, as follows:

Final product: identifies the final product the component belongs to.

Component: identifies the component the data and prices relate to.

Quantity: Displays the quantity of the item, if any.

Price: Shows the calculated price for the given item.

Proposal description changes: when checked, means the proposal description has been manually altered for that item.

Note: Text type items (as defined in the Price detail style) do not show any information in the main grid, beside the item’s name.

2 - The secondary grid shows the detailed price information for the item selected in the main grid.

Final product: identifies the final product the component belongs to.

Component: identifies the component this item is applied to.

Cost item: identifies the cost item detailed in this line.

Quantity option: shows the quantity option configuration selected in the respective price detail record.

Value option: shows the value option configuration selected in the respective price detail record.

Quantity: indicates the quantity defined for that specific cost item.

Price: indicates the price calculated for that specific cost item.

3 - Proposal description.

Displays the text configured in the Price (4) detail record, with the variables populated with the respective data from the estimate, for each item selected in the main grid.

Use the buttons on this tab to manage modifications made in the estimate and price detail. Check each button’s functions below:



Restore default values

Click to restore any quantities or prices manually altered to the original calculated value.

Note: Works only while the estimate has not been closed or sent to production.

Restore default proposal description

Click to restore any proposal descriptions manually altered to the original text and structure.

Note: Works only while the estimate has not been closed or sent to production.

Note: Works only while the estimate has not been closed or sent to production.

Apply recommended description

When the user modifies some information in the estimate’s proposal description – so that it does not match the respective proposal description anymore – the system shows an alert message and recommends a more adequate description. Click these buttons to accept or decline the recommended description.

Check the examples below for more details.

Note: In both cases, the user may manually alter the proposal description afterwards.

Decline recommended description



Recommended description.

The proposal description script from the Price detail styles reads the information from the estimate’s product specification. So for the examples described next we’ll consider an estimate that has the following specifications:

Bound product



Colors: 4 x 4

Format: 7.95 x 10.47"

Substrate: Standard 115 g/m2


Colors: 4 x 0

Format: 7.95 x 10.47"

Substrate: Standard 90 g/m2

This estimate has initially the following product specification:

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Case 1

If the user manually modifies some information in the proposal description in the estimate and recalculates it, the system compares the new description with the original one and shows and alert message informing they are not the same: "The are descriptions different from recommended in Price Detail Proposal Description".

In this case we changed the colors for the text component.

In Proposal > Price detail the system shows the current proposal description in the bottom and the recommended one (based on the product specifications) on the top:

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Case 2

If the user keeps the proposal description the same but changes the product specification, the system does not any alert.

This happens because the system compares different versions of the proposal description, if changes are made, but it does not compares them with changes made in the product specification.


Estimate history

The history logs from the price detail tab are displayed in the Estimate’s History, together with other modifications in the estimate:

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Duplicating an estimate

A new estimate can also be created from duplicating an existing one. In this case, the price detail style definition of the new estimate follows the original one.

Another option is to copy from a job (from the estimate browser click New > Copy from job). In this situation, the price detail style definition is loaded in the dialog box according to the selected job and can be edited in this step, before creating the estimate:


In both cases the price detail style can still be edited in the More actions > Negotiation parameters menu.