Job Browser

The user is required to have enabled the following access options to be able to create estimates:



In the system’s main menu, click Planning > Planner > Job or enter "Job" in the Quick Search field. The Job browser screen will open:

See below the main buttons in this screen:

Button Name

Button Function


Allows the user to add a new Job.


Allows the user to edit a selected Job.

Duplicate Job

Allows the user to copy the selected Job.

Material requests

Allows the user to extract a document describing the materials needed for this job.

Available only when the system is integrated with Metrics ERP.

Multiple Jobs Creation

This option allows to create more than one Job record at once. You just need to select a Project that the Jobs belongs to (it must have a Project related to it) and select whi Estimate(s) you want to copy as a new record.

Print Job

Allows the user to print the selected Job.

Smart Notes

This is a window that allows you to edit the Smart Notes from a Job. It makes it easier for you to access the Notes information, since it will not load all the Job’s information, only the Smart Notes’.

Integrates Job with SDI

Allows to integrate the selected Job to the SDI, the Metrics ERP integrations system.

Note: For more information on other buttons in this screen refer to “Standard Toolbar” topic in the Introduction to iQuote.


See below the main fields in this screen:

Field Name


Job Number

This column displays the number of the Job, inside iQuote. It is a way to identify each record and that you can use to look for a specific one.


This is the number that the Job receives when you send the record to a MIS system. You can use the ID to identify the Job across all systems.

Estimate Number

This column displays the number of the Estimate record that generated the Job.


This is the Job's description, that you can define when creating the record.


The system automatically selects this checkbox if the record is active.

Need Review

This field’s goal is to make it easier for you to check if the status of the Estimate related to the Job was recently changed, that is, if another user is editing the Estimate. This behavior will apply to all the Jobs that you created through an Estimate.

The field can have three statuses:

Green: it means that the Estimate is Approved and that there are no updates.

Yellow: the Estimate is Calculating, but not approved yet.

Red: the Estimate is Approved and there are changes to apply in the Job.


This column displays the Customer that is linked to the Job record.

Job status

It displays the current status of the record.


More actions

Select a job in the browser and click More action. The system opens the following drop-down menu

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While some of the actions listed are default in all of iQuote’s browsers, there are some that are specific to iPlan’s Job:


Show Job diagram

Displays a diagram of the selected job indicating the product quantities and their runs:

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