What Is In The Job

Once the Job is created the user can navigate through its different tabs and check or edit the job information, as need.

Note: The new Job, created from an Estimate or from a Product Specification, is independent. That means no modifications executed on the Job will affect the original Estimate or PS. However, it is possible to change a Job through changes made in the original Estimate.
To do so, first go to the original Estimate and change its status back to “Make estimate”, then change it as needed and save it. Back to the respective Job the user will see a message asking if the changes will be accepted.
If the user chooses “yes” all the changes made in the estimate will be applied to the Job.



On this tab the user finds all the basic information regarding this Job. Depending on how the job was created (from an Estimate, from a PS or from another Job) some fields will be already filled in and some will not even be editable.


Under Job complete the fields as described:



MIS Sync Status

This field makes you able to keep track of the Job synchronization status with external systems such as Monarch and Radius. iQuote updates it to show whether the Synchronization with the external system was successful or not.

Scheduler Sync Status

It displays the status of the acknowledgement message sent to the scheduler.

Job number

Displays the identification number for this Job.


Indicates the corresponding ID in the Monarch or Radius system, if there is an integration.

Note: Whenever you associate a Job that does not have a MIS Job ID to a Project that already has a Job with an ID, the Job that you are associating now automatically receives the same MIS Job ID as the older one (i.e., both Jobs will have the same MIS Job ID).


Displays the identification name for this Job.


Displays the customer’s name and identification code.


Displays the name of the customer’s contact.

Note: You can updat the Contact through the Estimate that is releated to the Job record.


Allows the user to specify the project that this job belongs to.

Note: If the Estimate that originated the Job has a Project assigned to it, the Job inherits the same Project. If the Estimate does not have a Project, then the Job can have its own Project.
In this last case, the system does not change the Job's Project field even if you update the Estimate and it still does not have a project assigned to it.


Displays the original Estimate’s code and name.


Displays the name of the salesperson responsible for this Job.

Note: You can updat the Salesperson through the Estimate that is releated to the Job record.


Displays the name of person responsible for this dealing with this job’s customer.

MIS Sales Order ID

Indicates the corresponding Sales Order ID in the Monarch or Radius system, if there is an integration.


Allows the user to specify the plant where this job will be produced.

Product division

Allows the user to specify the product division the job belongs to.

MIS Job Creation Type

You can use the MIS Job Creation Type to define how iQuote will create the Job in the MIS that you have integrated to the system.

Note: In cases where you need to change the type to "iQuote Defined sub job Structure", when you save the Job, iQuote will automatically create the Sub Job structure. However, when the option is changed back to another type, iQuote will clear the Sub Job structure from the data base.

Form Creation Type

The system automatically populates the Form Creation Type field with the Creation Type that should be applied to the Jobs, as defined in the Job General Settings page at the time that that specific Job record was created. That is, whenever you change the default Form Creation Type in the Job General Settings, the existing Job records will keep the Type in which they were created.

Note: You can change the Job record's Creation Type as long as it is not in the Production status.
For more information, see Appendix: Form Creation Type.


Allows you to select the Agency related to the record.

If the customer related to the Job record already has a list of agencies, you can only select one of these agencies. Otherwise, the system shows all the agencies available.

Moreover, the Job record inherits the Agency from the Estimate whenever possible:

When you approve the Estimate to create the Job.

When you edit and reapprove the Estimate. In this case, you must accept to apply the same Agency from the Estimate to the Job.

When you duplicate a Job and it has an Agency defined.


Under Product information complete the fields as described:




Allows the user to inform the percentage of surplus production acceptable for the job.


Allows the user to inform the percentage of production less than hired acceptable for the job.

Earliest start

Displays the minimum date for starting this job’s production.


Allows the user to define a priority grade that will be used in the M3 Planner for scheduling different jobs. The lower the number, the higher the priority. So the highest priority possible is 1. The default priority set by the system is 100.

Job color in Gantt

Allows the user to specify the color that will identify this job in the Gantt chart.


Under Classifications complete the fields as described:



Repetition type

Allows the user to specify if this Job refers to a New product, a Repetition or a Repetition with modification.


Allows the user to specify if this Job refers to a rework; that is, a job that needed to be redone.

The Rework check box is available for all Job records, not only those that you copied, and you can select them after creating the Job. Once you select the Rework check box, the Original Job No. field appears, where you can select the original Job so that both records can be related.


Indicates if this product is FSC certified.


Under Cost information complete the fields as described:



Cost table

Displays the cost table in which this job’s price calculation was based.

Reference date

Displays the reference date for the cost table used for this job.


Displays the currency used for this job’s payment.

Reference date

Displays the reference date for the currency conversion used for this job.

Tax free

Indicates if this job is exempt from taxes.

Reference date for ACR analysis

Displays the date that will be used as reference for the post calculation functions.


Under Other information complete the fields as described:



Customer purchase order

Displays the customer’s order number.

Drawing number

Drawing number

Partial order number

Partial order number


The product’s technical information is described under the Product tab. The fields in this tab are for information only and cannot be edited.

The product’s detailed dates are listed under the Dates tab. The dates in this tab are can be edited.

On the Notes tab you can enter any relevant notes about this job. By default, the system provides the General Notes fields, but you can create other fields in Planning > Records > Planner > Job note type. Also, clicking the Copy notes from other Job the user can select a previous Job to copy the observations from.

Note: When you access a Job record that someone else is currently editing, iQuote will display an alert to warn you that the Job is blocked and to say who is working on it. You can click on this alert message to open a text box, where you can write a message to the person asking them to save and release the Job record, so that the system will allow you to work on it.
The message that you send will appear as an alert to the other user and the system will clear it once they release the Job record. You will receive another alert message when that happens, to let you know that you can edit the Job.



This tab displays this product’s specification. The user can modify the information on these fields as needed, but it will be always already completed by default, based on the information given by the original Estimate, Job or Product specification.

Check the information on each field and edit it if necessary.

To add other information in the product specification that are not displayed in the component, click + in the left side menu.

Note: For more information on product specification refer to Estimating and to Product Specification Records.

Note: The system indicates with an exclamation icon when there is a mandatory information pending in one of the product components:

Other important buttons on this lateral menu are described below:

Button Name



Allow the user to add a new component.


Allow the user to add a new component identical to an existing one.


Allow the user to delete a component.


If any changes are made, click Recalculate in the toolbar on the top of the screen.


Smart Notes

Smart Notes were designed to provide an easy, efficient and consistent method for users to add instructions to a job. See more information about this feature in Smart Notes.


Quantity/ Shipping

This tab displays all the information on how many products will be produced, the linked inventory item and where and when they will be delivered.

Note: When editing the delivery details, you can select the address, delivery date, and define the quantity of products to be delivered for more than one item at once, by clicking the Apply Delivery Date button. You just need to select a date and time and the product(s) that you want to apply that date to.


The following fields are displayed in the table:




Displays the product’s name.

Inventory item

Indicates the corresponding ID in the Monarch or Radius system, if there is an integration.


Indicates if the data in that line refers to a production item or a shipping.

Original Qty

The number of products that the Job inherited from its related Estimate.

Job Qty

Displays the number of products in this Job.


Shows the relation between produced and shipped items.


Displays the original Estimate’s code and name.


Displays the job’s date.

If your iQuote User has the Edit iQuote Sales Order access control, you can change the Sales Order’s shipping date through this field, as long as the Sales Order Shipping is still in the On Hold (i.e., tag “Held”) status.


Identifies the Sales Order related to that product item.

Type of shipment

Shows the selected the type of delivery:

Customer pick up

External provider

Internal freight


Shows the selected carrier for this shipment.

Ship method

Shows the selected appropriate shipping method for this type of shipment.

Ship to

Shows the selected address where this ship is sent to.

Inventory item description

Displays the name of the customer’s contact.

Product specification

Displays the product specification identificação.

Product line

Displays the minimum date for starting this job’s production.


Note: Depending on how the Job was created, some of those fields will not be available for edition.



This tab displays the job’s whole production route, showing which machines and materials will be used.

Clicking on each component or step, it is possible to select and edit the route and view details by as highlighted below:

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Using the buttons in the left it is possible to modify the engineering route view:




View by process

Displays the detailed production route divided into each process: prepress, press and finishing

Information displayed

Allows the user to define what informations will be displayed in the diagram:



Raw materials

Secondary processes




Component’s view

Allows the user to select the different components from the product and have an exclusive and detailed view of it.

Reset default zoom

Allow the user to return to the original zoom setting.

Focus area zoom

Allows the user to select a specific area and zoom it in.


Allow the user to manually control the zoom.


It is also important to note that iQuote displays the sub jobs’ status in the engineering diagram in different ways, depending on if the process has sub jobs and if the sub job is integrated. They are:

Red circles without numbers represent processes that are not mapped into Sub jobs and not integrated.

Red circles with numbers represent processes that are mapped into Sub jobs and not integrated.

Blue circles (if it is the final component) and white circles (if it is not the final component) represent the processes that are mapped into Sub jobs and are integrated.



This tab displays a table describing the production costs calculated in the Job:

Note: you can click the printer icon in the tool bar to print these reports.
If necessary, click Restore default cost button to undo any changes in quantities and values for a given cost group.

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The system displays the Standard view type by default. This option always shows the current job costs and will be automatically updated if any changes are made in the job:

Besides the Standard view, this tab also provides the Estimated x Planned and Estimated x Planned with chart options, that allow the customer to compare the estimated costs with the planned costs:

Note: A job may not have an estimated cost (if it was not created from an estimate) either a planned cost (if one was not saved yet) and in these cases the Estimated x Planned views will show no data. But it always have a current cost and, therefore, the Standard view.

Both options compare the cost value from the Estimate (estimated cost) against the planned cost.

The “planned cost” is like a ”picture” taken from a chosen status of the Job. To define from which status the planned cost will be taken go to Job general settings, under Cost analysis and results setting, select the status in which the planned cost will be recorded:

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The planned cost will be recorded every time the job is saved in the chosen status. That means if the chosen status is “sent to production”, for example, the user has to:

Change the Job status to send to production

Save it. The costs as they are in this stage will be considered “planned costs”.

Change it back to the previous status

Make any changes in the cost

Save it again

Access cost tab and check the comparison between the current (estimated) and the planned costs.

Note: Any time the job is saved being in the chosen status the planned cost values will be overwritten by these new ones.



On this tab, the user can view in details how each part of each component is organized for production, including information such as quantities, planned starting and finishing dates, respective activity etc.

The fields on this tab are only for information and cannot be edited.

Some of the columns are:

Component: name of the component, as defined in the Engineering tab. Note that it can appear in the table more than once, since there are many activities related to only one component.

Production Group: name of the production group responsible to create the component that it is related to, as defined in the Engineering tab.

Activity: activity's name. 

Form: iQuote generates only one Form sequence by multiple versioned components;, the system does not split the sequence by runs. Use this column to keep track of the form sequence.

Planned qty: this column displays the quantity planned for each component/activity.

MIS Job ID: this column displays the Job ID related to each component (as defined in the Product tab).

Sub Job: this column displays the number of the Sub Jobs that the system generated for the Job.



All the elements that are part of the job’s product are listed on this tab, alongside with the respective materials information used in each element.

The data under Supplier and Inventory item can be added or edited. The other columns on this tab are only for information and cannot be edited.




You can also manage the Job Events related to this record from this tab.



Under History the user can find logs on most changes made and saved in this job, such as status changes, delivery changes, final product changes, and also sub job alterations and deletion:

Note: In some cases, iQuote might delete the Sub Job because the engineering changed and the Sub Job breaking point is no longer valid. In this scenario, the system will also save the Sub Job deletion history and the user responsible for that will be the iQuote Standard User.