Generic Raw Material


Characteristic view on the estimate


List of properties


Property Name






Raw Material Name


Yes. The raw material needs to exist in the engineering component type



Lookup - To find the possible values for the Raw Material, go to Specification Characteristic Type record > select the generic raw material characteristic > Edit > Edit characteristic info

Graphical user interface, text, application, email
Description automatically generated

Find the engineering component type linked with this generic material

Graphical user interface, text, application
Description automatically generated

Click on the quick link in the engineering component type

Graphical user interface, text, application
Description automatically generated

Click on Administrate Raw Material

Graphical user interface, text, application
Description automatically generated

Make sure that the material is in the list and active. The description will need to match with the raw material name provided in the message

Graphical user interface, application
Description automatically generated


XML Sample


       <Value>Material 1</Value>

       <!-- Value on that property -->


                      <IDSet idSetType="Feature">

                                    <ID schemeAgencyID="3RDMIS">RawMaterialName</ID>

                                    <!-- Fixed property name -->


                      <IDSet idSetType="FeatureCategory">

                                    <ID schemeAgencyID="3RDMIS">GenericRawMaterial</ID>

                                    <!-- Characteristic XML External Reference -->


