Product Characteristics

Almost all characteristics follow the same structure to be described in the XML message, the only exception is the Color + Varnish characteristic, which has a specific structure that will be describe in that class. For all other characteristics, the XML will be as described below:


Graphical user interface
Description automatically generated with low confidence


Using a Characteristic

If you want to activate a characteristic in the estimate and copy the properties’ values from the defaults, you just need to provide the characteristic external reference XML code with no properties mapped, as shown below:

Text, letter
Description automatically generated

When there are no properties specified in the message, the system will get the information from the product specification, and if there is not default there, then the system will look to the defaults that you defined in that characteristic in the specification component record.

In case the user provided any property in the message for a characteristic, the rules bellow will be applied.

Mandatory properties

Property cannot be blank and needs to exist in the message. In case the information provided does not math with the rules, the system will not create the estimate and iQuote will acknowledge it, informing the reason to the external system.

Not mandatory properties

Not mandatory properties can be blank in the message, or not be in the message at all.

Lookup properties

Any lookup property provided in the message needs to exist in the database and be active, even when the property is not mandatory. The system will check the lookup name to do the validation.

In case the information provided does not math with the rules, the system will not create the estimate and iQuote will acknowledge it, informing the reason to the external system. In this document, in the characteristic properties section, there is a description of all the places where it needs to find the reference to the lookup.


In case a field is a fixed enumerator, the ID needs to be provided in the message. In this document, in the characteristic properties section, all enumerators are described and the proper ID.


Sometimes, some properties are interdependent with other properties (e.g., grammage is linked with the substrate type/line). In case a property is provided in the message, but does not belong to another interdependent property, the system will not create the estimate and iQuote will acknowledge it, informing the reason to the external system.


Available Specification Characteristics Properties

The list below displays the specification characteristics that can be sent in the XML message. If a characteristic is not in the list, then this characteristic will be available to be sent in the message, but the defaults that you have previously defined in the system will fill the properties’ value.

Specification Characteristic Class

Available from

Color + Varnish Separated

Suite 9.1

Component Format - Flyer

Suite 9.1

Substrate Type

Suite 9.1

Component Format - Carton Package

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Cover

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Cover with flap

Suite 10.0

Component Format - End Leaf

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Flexible

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Irregular

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Label

Suite 10.0 (Fanfold in Suite 10.1)

Component Format - Leaflet

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Provided

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Signature

Suite 10.0

Component Format - Wide Format

Suite 10.0

Envelope Format

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with description field

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with format field

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with list field

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with list field + description

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with list field + format field

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with list field + values

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with notes field

Suite 10.0

Generic Characteristic with value field

Suite 10.0

Packaging - Roll Core

Suite 10.0

Rewinding Orientation

Suite 10.0

Component Format – Roll Width

Suite 10.1

Generic Raw Material

Suite 10.1

Generic Raw Material + Values

Suite 10.1

Hot Stamping

Suite 10.1

Inkjet Component

Suite 10.1


Suite 10.1

Packaging - Box

Suite 10.1

Packaging - Package

Suite 10.1

Packaging - Pallet

Suite 10.1

Packaging - Shrinked

Suite 10.1

Window Patch

Suite 10.1